Friday, July 13, 2007

Late, but Better Than Never

I'm willing to overlook a serious (and seriously JV) grammatical mistake in band Peter Björn and John's name because the pop is infectious. If NPR says it, it must be true. After Ani g-chatted (that's right, I'm using 'to g-chat' as a verb here) me the link to the video for last year's hit, Young Folks, I realized I had heard these cats before. I'd even had the fortune of seeing the video here in Chile, back in the long gone days of TV (I now roll without). In addition, I heard it on an episode of Grey's Anatomy, since arriving.

Am I really that late, considering how long it took before The Funeral was on my playlist? This time around I'm only a year behind. And NPR only picked up the story at the end of April. Surely, that justifies the tardiness. And they performed Leno in mid-May, yo. Da me un bre-ak (give me a break; break read with a Spanish pronunciation--seriously, it's key here).

I say check it out. The most recent album, Writer's Block, earns A- honors from Stylus, and the biggest music snob I know was willing to admit that they there was at least one song she "really liked."

To justify the post, I'll offer up the fact that Stylus gives the most recent album, Write Off, an A-, a tough mark to earn from these very readable and high quality writers. Further, I'll direct you to Pitchforks rave review. And finally, I'll devastate you with the damning reality that even the harshest critic I know, EA Sports herself, is stamping a semi-mark of approval.

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