Saturday, July 21, 2007

sheer/shear oblivion

The funniest thing said last night came when I met my friend's father for the first time and he learned of my vegetarianism: "Well your body may be a temple, but mine is a dorm room." Bear in mind that I had said nothing about why I was a vegetarian. Later that night, when someone offered him a shot of tequila, he said: "Can't. Won't. Tequila is bad chicken, because when I drink tequila I become invisible and when I am invisible I do things that AMAZE people."


There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to one theory the Incas of Peru, who had failed to conquer the Araucanians, called the valley of the Aconcagua "Chili" by corruption of the name of a tribal chief ("cacique") called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest. [1] Another theory points to the similarity of the valley of the Aconcagua with that of the Casma Valley in Peru, where there was a town and valley named Chili.[1] Other theories say Chile may derive its name from the indigenous Mapuche word chilli, which may mean "where the land ends,"[2] "the deepest point of the Earth," [3], or "sea gulls;" [4] or from the Quechua chin, "cold", or the Aymara tchili, meaning "snow." [5][6] Another meaning attributed to chilli is the onomatopoeic cheele-cheele—the Mapuche imitation of a bird call.[2] The Spanish conquistadors heard about this name from the Incas and the few survivors of Diego de Almagro's first Spanish expedition south from Peru in 1535-36 called themselves the "men of Chilli." [2]

(from wiki)

FFAA: While Akshai will prominently display his middle initial, he refuses to say it aloud to most people, for fear of how badly butchered their attempt at repeating it will surely be. Even if you promise not to repeat it, he will still refuse since you will still surely botch it up in your head.

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