Thursday, October 4, 2007

A New E.R.A.

I'll be in Brazil, so I'm handing the reins over to a more than capable blogger. It's my pleasure to present you Mr. Eric Robert Anderson. Sometimes, he blogs here. Check out his old stuff and you'll see why he's nonpareil.

A recent conversation I had via e-mail will also shed some light:

bush's tues speech you think, signals we're attacking iran before he's out of office? [sic]
My general rubric for predicting the Administration's decisions:
If decision x from decision set y causes the worst-case outcome, p=.7 that the Administration will decide x.
Part of the problem: I'm not sure what's the worst case outcome vis-a-vis the Iranian nuclear weapons program.
Enjoy the high level of discourse, humor, and information Eric brings.

1 comment:

Anjali said...


I'm so starved for anything but law school humor.

I can't wait.

Not that you aren't funny AJP...