Two Gems from, one with particular import for AJP (hint: AJP doesn't have Amp'd cellular service)
"Dear Amp'd customer. As of 12:01 a.m. July 24th Amp'd mobile will terminate service with all subscribers. We apologize and thank you for your patronage. P.S. we apologize for telling you this via a text message."
Take heed, lil' gangster wannabes: if you go around flashing goofy fake gang signs, make sure it's not around undercover gang officers or you might find yourself facing very real criminal charges
- An article covering a recent uproar over Google's newest feature--GoogleView--where a GoogleVan rolls through major American cities with a 360-degree camera that allows people on the internet to take virtual tours of said cities. People captured on the watchful eye of the GoogleLens began filing complaints when they were shown doing something embarrassing--picking their nose, coming out of strip clubs, wearing U of A clothing, etc. Pretty interesting story from a serious viewpoint, and just great pictures for everything else.
Note on "Ocean's 13":
Ok, look. I feel morally compelled to preface any movie review with a note about the inherent subjectivity of the process. We all have our opinions and they are all equal, though some are more equal than others. In this case, mine is more equal. I have a repertoire and the credentials that fully and completely support the following claim: I know more about movies than you, therefore what I think is right. Okay, so I don't really think that is true, but I thought since I am writing on AJP's blog, I ought to employ a little AJP logic-----OH!!!! SNAP!!!!! PWNd. What!? (cough, cough, clears throat) hmm. Sorry.
Anyway, I saw "Ocean's 12+1" last night with the lovely, long-legged, luscious, Liz (I hate it when an attempt at solid alliteration brings you dangerously close to sexual harrassment, don't you?). I intentionally call it "12+1" because that is, in effect, what it is/was. I know most of you have probably seen it by now and are over it, but my stay abroad and the exuberant prices at movie theatres in China both put a hold on my ability to be as cool as you, so get over it. The film was worth seeing, I should start there. It is amazing to see the craftsmanship of someone who has perfected the art of whoring himself once every few years in order to make several projects near and dear to his heart. Steven Soderbergh, is like a hooker who pays her way through college with one month's worth of work in summer. But that's not all. Soderbergh has also found a way to do the BlockBuster-style film that is his proverbial meal-ticket on his own terms and with his own flare. Perhaps the convoluted plot lines aren't as complex as a Guy Ritchie's pieces (think "Snatch") and his heist style pictures may not be quite as noteworthy as Redford's "The Sting", but Soderbergh's films are unique. He has his own style, candor, cadence, editing, and narration technique that have all contributed to his status as a great writer/director. What's more, he has been able to bring those tools with him when he goes to do battle with the major studios, who are notorious for robbing any one individual vision to make it past the filters of uniformity and bland alignment with past successes (Think "Anything by Michael Bay"). So I applaud him there, but I have to say that this latest installment to the Ocean's series fell short of the usual punch carried in a Soderbergh project. In short, this film never got off the ground. The plot line was short and as a result the plot and plan was a bit too straight-forward and thereby predictable. There was less character-oriented points and other than the expected, usual, funny dialog between Clooney and Pitt. In sum, the whole film simply felt the ending of another film--rather than a complete film unto itself.
And just because I know I'll have to hear about it if I don't mention it: the one reason to definitely see this film involves Casey Afflect's character and the exchange: "Are you in yet?" "I hate that question." (happy liz?) haha
FFAA: Akshai....Drum roll please.....was homecoming king at the largest university in the nation (depending on how you count). Just thought I'd throw that out there. Bring it back into the mix. Google it.
peace, beazley
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