You know what Yankoo Doodle did when he went to town. Well in Latin America, los yanqi didn't put a feather in their hat, but whatever they did, they called it imperialism. But when los yanqi get together on the Fourth at home, we celebrate. Here are some children of Apollo (extra-credit for anyone that catches the reference) celebrating by watching over Town Lake, finest body of water in all the land.
Some of us here tried to do the same at the Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura, and were sorely disappointed. However, we did manage to go out for pizza and beer. Still the Instituto wasn't their usual disappointing self because I managed to meet an Arizonan, reminisce about the great places my state offers visitors, and listen to a Chilean talk about the Declaration of Independence. The words sound just as beautiful and inspiring in Spanish:
Nosotros creemos ser evidente en sí mismo, que todos los hombres [las personas] nacen iguales y dotados por su Criador de ciertos derechos inagenables: que entre estos son los principales la seguridad de la libertad y la vida, que constituyen la humana felicidad: que para asegurar estos derechos se instituyeron entre los hombres los gobiernos, derivando sus justos poderes del consentimiento de los pueblos: que siempre que cualquiera forma de gobierno se haga destructiva de estos fines, toca al derecho imprescriptible de la sociedad alterarla, ó abolirla y escablecer otra nueva, zanjando sus fundamentos sobre aquellos principios, y organizando sus poderes de la manera que juzgue mas conducente para el efecto de su seguridad y felicidad.
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