“This is the greatest sport ever to sweep the United States of America.”He incredulously continues:
“To me, this is a great sport,” Mr. Leshem said. “Right now it’s got a little bit more of a carnival atmosphere than perhaps we intend, but I can tell people are buzzing. There’s a lot of energy here, and we’re culling the field down to the best of them.”Apparently even ESPN was there. Finally, near the end of the article, everything is better explained. And we can blame bad beer.
Indeed. And it doesn't end there. Leshem goes on to explain that the sport "unites people from all walks of life," and that it is one form of athletic competition where "if you really want to get good at [it], you can.” Thus, the title of this post. Ridicurous.Anheuser-Busch is the engine behind the national tournament. Beer distributors organized tournaments at bars around the country, producing regional finalists, and the company put up the prize money and paid for each finalist and a guest to fly to Las Vegas for three days.
Many contestants were having a bit of trouble getting their heads around the idea that they were in Las Vegas, on a free vacation, just to play in a rock-paper-scissors tournament.
This man just made more money playing rock, paper, scissors than I made last year? I'm in the wrong business, obviously.
Es impresionante lo que una persona insomne puede encontrar en internet eh?
Paseando de página en página, encontré tu blog. Comenzé a leer la mayoría de tus posts y me llamó la atención lo poco que has escrito sobre Chile... es más, el tema de la mayoría de ellos dan la idea que aún sigues en Estados Unidos.
Es por eso que espero que durante tu estadía en este hermoso país, puedas disfrutar de experiencias que valgan la pena compartir aquí.
That day at Gulash's might be a good start don't you think? ;)
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