Thursday, April 5, 2007

Rabid For A Win

Itinerant Dennis Erickson tells Tempe faithful (and the rest of Sun Devil Nation) that he plans to stay and make the finest state in the union, and the best city in history, his permanent home. ESPN gives us reason to hope:

"I can sit back now...this is a great opportunity to have success. People are dying for it around here...This is a good way to end my career."

Before you arch your eyebrow just so, consider that Erickson might be telling the truth. At Arizona State, Erickson has just about everything a coach could want: modern football offices, an indoor practice facility on the way and at least 43,000 season-ticket holders who remain [emphasis added] rabid despite a total of two Pac-10 championships in 29 seasons.

Did you know we went after this guy in 2002 after his Fiesta Bowl win with the Beavers (over a weak Irish team), along with the likes of one Trojan team, and neither of us were successful. He stayed (then later bolted for the 49ers). But that's proof right there that he won't be lured away from Kush Field unless he's got pro-football offers. And no pro team will offer him anything once they realize his proximity to the Cardinals. Right?

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