Thursday, October 11, 2007

Open Letter

Dear Democratic Primary Voter in Iowa or New Hampshire,

I am concerned tonight. Should Gore go on to win the Nobel Prize, he would stand hardly a chance in an open, national election for the American presidency. I pray you remember: he's already i) associated with a premature withdrawl and ii) won an Academy Award. Adding an award from iii) an elite European institution group does him no favors. It's like adding injury to insult -- the third mark in a signature trifecta of "let the terrorists win"-ism .

Please vote for Biden. Or the black guy. I don't know if they're more electable, mind you. I just like them better all the same.


i) above comes with all the usual caveats. I wasn't in Florida, etc.

Update!: This is rich -- even for the National Review.

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